Nail Trim
Diva Dog Beauty Salon offers free nail trims for all dogs! :)
Most owners dread trimming their dog’s nails. It looks difficult and, well, dogs can be so wiggly!
The truth is, nail trimming isn't difficult if you know how.
Why cutting your dog's nails regularly is important?
Nails which aren't trimmed regularly are uncomfortable for your pup, and eventually could cause real pain and sometimes inflammation, or more serious issues with the bones and joints in the toes.
Keeping your pet’s nails cut regularly can reduce the chance of pain from over-use of the hind legs. Dogs develop a different way of walking when their nails are left too long, and this can cause weakness and pain in over-used hind-legs.
Cutting the nails short can be an instant cure for a dog whose back legs had been painful or weak, from having long nails. It’s true that a lot of dogs kick up a fuss when you try to cut their nails.
However, this may be the result of them suffering constant pain from long nails. And once you have trained your dog to accept nail-clipping, this behavior should stop when their nails are short and not painful anymore!
Do I need to book an appointment in advance?
Booking an appointment for a grooming service ahead of time is obligatory and ensures that you and your pet are not kept waiting any longer than necessary.
Free Nail Trim is available by making a “Gratis / Free Nail Trim” appointment.
Free nail trim can also be included if you are purchasing any other services.

The first important piece of advice is this: Begin early.
Don't wait until your puppy is 6 months old to trim their nails. Begin trimming the first week they come home, even if there isn't much to trim, and trim the nails weekly to get the pup accustomed to this routine.
Do I need to book an appointment in advance?
Booking an appointment for a grooming service ahead of time is obligatory and ensures that you and your pet are not kept waiting any longer than necessary.
At the time of booking you are agreeing to our policies.
The policies apply to all clients and attendees of Diva salon. Please take the time to read through our policies, as no exceptions apply.
Entry Requirements and Policies can be found here >
If you do not agree to our policies, please do not use our services or interact with any other aspect of our business.
This is our passion and business, not just a hobby. Please respect our policies.
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